BioGeometry Environmental Home Solutions
Alkhemy Energy Harmonization
Bringing the energetic quality of sacred power spots to your home. Balancing and Harmonizing detrimental energies resulting from electrosmog, 5G, geopathic gridlines, structural elements, materials, and other sources
Making your home a sanctuary from the world of chaotic energies

Do you suffer from lack of focus, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, or other issues that keep you from performing at your best? Does working at a computer, phone, or other electrical equipment leave you feeling tired? Do you wake up feeling exhausted? Or does your home serve as a sanctuary to recharge your energy?
Electrosmog, which results from the multiple sources of electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) we encounter each day, such as 5G, WiFi, microwaves, smart meters, &c, and is “carried” on geopathic gridlines, has a very real impact on our health and well-being. Where multiple geopathic gridlines intersect can result in detrimental energies for humans to interact with, especially if sleeping upon one of these “stress gateway points.”
In addition to electrosmog associated with EMR, there are many other sources of detrimental subtle energies that can deplete our energy and concentration throughout the day. These include materials, structural elements, and even emotional and mental forces.
BioGeometry has tools to bring the energetic quality of sacred power spots to your home, on the physical, vital, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. You will experience an environment which allows your body and mind to recover and heal from the energetic assaults to which we are all subjected in our everyday lives. And there will be a spillover effect of this harmonization which will extend beyond the boundaries of your home. Your neighbours may thank you [or choose to relocate, if they don’t resonate with a harmonized environment 😉 ].
BioGeometry as a method of introducing harmonizing energy to an environment

BioGeometry can be thought of as a kind of multi-dimensional Egyptian feng shui. It produces a centering vibrational quality in the environment which brings coherence to the chaotic energies that result from multiple “energy keys” (sources of energy flow) arising from compression waves from EMFs, structures, materials, and other sources, and their interaction with geopathic gridlines. Results of this energetic harmonization may spread far beyond the home.
BioGeometry uses a form of physical radiesthesia developed from the French and German traditions, while focusing on creating beneficial energy and avoiding engaging directly with detrimental energies through measurement. This form of measurement should not be confused with mental “dowsing.” It is the direct measurement of energetic qualities through the use of specially designed pendulums calibrated using specific string lengths depending upon the quality being measured.
Levels of Service
BioGeometry environmental home solutions (BG-EHS) are a core application of BioGeometry. The “home-centric” BG-EHS approach recognizes that our energetic inter-connectivity with our home environments is an integral part of our quality-of-life and well-being. BioGeometry environmental home solutions geometrically enhance home environments with energy-quality balancing solutions to harmonize environmental stress caused by electromagnetic, geopathic, materials, and shape-caused disturbances from design and structure. The BG-EHS service is based on the specific calibration and placement of BioGeometry shapes and tools across all areas of the home, depending on the level of service provided. The clear plexi-glass BioGeometry shapes and tools are small in size and are designed to fit seamlessly within any living space and home design, and do not require any maintenance.
The on-site energy-quality measurements are conducted using a proprietary system of pendular BioGeometry measurement tools and techniques that are based on scientific micro-vibratory harmonics principles, specific geometric configurations and antenna theories, and are used as structured harmonic biofeedback instruments to guide the installation of the BioGeometry solutions. This energy-quality measurement system is very different from any other modalities that use pendulums for mental dowsing or divination. BioGeometry environmental home solutions are offered directly by the official BioGeometry Projects Team, headed by BioGeometry founder Dr. Ibrahim Karim and BG-EHS Developer & Director Sayed Karim,as well as through a growing international network of licensed independent BG-EHS Practitioners & Associate-Practitioners. BG-EHS Practitioners & Associate-Practitioners are the only persons trained and licensed, with access to official BioGeometry tools and methodologies, as well as technical support and continuing education, to offer BG-EHS services for existing residential homes, as independent licensees/ business persons.
Beyond the generic BioGeometry Home Kit that offers a basic level of environmental harmonization,we offer various levels of customized BioGeometry environmental home solutions,with increasing levels ofBioGeometryenvironmental energy-quality balancing applications. BG-EHS Associate-Practitioners are licensed to provide the Introductory Consultation and Essential levels. BG-EHS Practitioners are licensed to provide all levels of BG-EHS services.
Take Control of Your Environment
Please allow me to be of service to you, and create an environment that allows your body and mind to recover and heal from the energetic assaults to which we are all exposed each day. Transform detrimental energies into life-supporting energies that nourish you (on the physical, vital, emotional, mental, and higher levels) rather than diminish your life force.